Thursday, 4 August 2011

System Requirements

To watch the Online TV channels or Videos on this page you need the proper players. You need a good internet connection to watch the channels properly, without interruption.


Pls use only the below two web browsers to view our website.
Windows Media Player

1. Internet Explorer

Use Internet explorer as a browser to view our website please ensure that you have installed Microsoft Internet explorer 6 + or a higher version.
Windows Media Player

2. Mozilla Firefox

Pls use Mozilla firefox to view our website.Use the following link to install Mozilla firefox in your operating system.
If you are using Mozilla FireFox and you can't watch the Web TV channels please install this plugin Download the Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin.


Windows Media Player

1. Windows Media Player

If the TV Channel with the above symbol is not working please ensure that you have installed Windows Media Player 9+ or a higher version.
Quick Time Player

   2. TVU Player

To watch Tv channels with the TVU logo ,You must allow the tvunetworks to install the tvu plyer in your computer. Please download TVU player for free Click Here.
You can also watch tvu player channels on windows media player.Start the channel on tvu player in a webpage, and open the windows media player and paste the following code in the open url space provided. .Now the tvu channel will be running in windows media player.
Flash Player

3. Adobe Flash Player

If you want to watch a TV Channel that uses Flash Player, you must install it from Here.
SopCast Player

  4. SopCast Player

Attention !!! To watch SopCast Online TV please install the SopCast plugin and use Internet Explorer. If you are using Mozila Firefox or Opera the TV channels  marked with the SopCast Logo won’t work.
SopCast TV on Mozilla FireFox !!! To watch the channels played with SopCast , by using Mozilla, you must read the instructions from here.

5. Silver Light Player

Attention !!! To watch some flash channels microsoft silver light player is required. please install the Microsoft Silver Light Player.
Real Player

6. Real Player

Attention !!! To watch the channels with Real Player Logo please install the Real Player.

7. Other Requirements

To watch some channels you must wait from 30 to 60 seconds before it starts.
The web page may ask you to install active x controlls and other websoftwares pls install it to order to watch live tv ..